Please refer to the below questions, regularly asked by users. If still doubt prevails, feel free to connect with us.
The steps to use the platform in connecting with studnets are very simple
The minimum amount to recharge is Rs 500.
You can follow the guidelines to recharge in My Wallet
We do not sell video tutorials in any form.
You can watch all our videos either through our Youtube Channel or through our website
Due to Corona and other internal reasons, we had to stop the production of videos. We will resume the same again in some time as the situation improves. And yes, it will be for free llike always.
We charge a small amount of money for the services we provide. This amount is deducted from your wallet. This amount in wallet is non-refundable and does not have any expiry date as such.
The minimum amount to charge your wallet is Rs 500. The transaction charges for recharging the wallet is borne by us and you get the full amount credited to your wallet.
Charges for students
Fees to post a tutor requirement - FREE
Fees for online test series - variable and depends on class, subject and difficulty level. You can test the different permutations yourself.
Fees for daily practice - Please check the daily practice page.
Fees for Teachers
Fees to apply for requirement - Rs 20
We appreciate all hands helping us in achieving the aim of providing free education to students across geographies. You can simply share the name of our YouTube channel with students who can then try our video tutorials first hand.
You can follow us on social media and promote us there.
Simply write a beautiful blog and send it across to
Once we check and verify the blog, we will happily publish it.
You can also share your photograph as an attachment and a small bio to go along with it. Both of this will be published on our blogs.
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